Inshorts review : Read news in 60 words

Inshorts review : Read news in 60 words
Inshorts review : Read news in 60 words

Inshorts review: Read news in 60 woFor many people in the world, it is boring to read all the news or even see it in a video form. Along with this, we want to stay updated with all the news and what is all happening around the world. For those people here is the app that will make your life easier.


Inshorts is a news app that displays the entire news in just 60 words. They do not cut the news or just write half of the news, instead, the summary of the news is given by which you will get the whole idea about what the news is and what is happening.

Below are the top features of the app

Images and Full article

They have a featured image for every news by which you can get some clear idea about the news and also for most of the news, you surely need a picture to understand it better.

Moreover, they have a read more link by which you can check out the full article if you like the news.


So, your friend told you about the news or you want to know something particularly. For that, Inshorts have a search option which makes it easier to search and find any news you want.

Category and My feed

The deal does not end here, it will show you all the categories by which you can get news only on a particular subject. For instance, if you are a big fan of Bollywood, you can just get the news from Bollywood.

There is my feed option by which they will show you the news for you. The most relevant news is shown in this section.

Read offline and Autoplay

If you like some of the news and want to show it to someone at your house or read again. You don’t have to waste your time or data in finding that news again, You can save it offline.

For constant reading, they have an autoplay option which plays all the news after spendingĀ a certain amount of time in each of the news.

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