Best GTU Result apps (Get notification of GTU Results)

Best GTU Result apps (Get notification of GTU Results)
Best GTU Result apps (Get notification of GTU Results)

Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is a popular university in the state of Gujarat. Just like every other university, GTU results are announced at any time. There is no specific time on which the results are to be announced. This is the main reason why people are facing trouble with the results. These Best GTU Result apps will help you to find out when your results are available.

How these best GTU Result apps can help?

Until now, students were facing issues on when will the results be announced. Basically, GTU has this basic way of announcing results. They will first announce the results of the highest sem. For instance, talking about GTU BE Results, they will first announce the results for 8th sem remedial, later they will announce the result for sem 8 regular. In the same way, they will start to announce the results of each and every sem in descending order.

The same goes for all the branches. Whether you are looking for GTU Diploma results or you are looking for GTU Bpharm results. The procedure is the same. All these Gujarat Technological University result apps will help you to know your result anytime.

You might wonder how can GTU results android app help you, right? Well, these apps will send you a notification whenever the result is announced. If you want to know the technical details, these apps work on python based script which will fetch all the result data from the Offical GTU results website. Thereafter they will display the data in their own app. Whenever the app data is updated, you will get a push notification of the same.

In this way, you will not miss out on any of the results. Also, instead of you can call your friends and give them the shock of the result. Without wasting more time in the introduction and how these apps work, let’s get into the top Best GTU Result apps which as GTU result notification.


#1 GTU Plus+

Among all the Best GTU Result apps, this one is the best according to us. The application has a lot more things to do along with the results. First of all, when you open the app, you need to enter your enrollment number. It will automatically fetch your entire profile from the GTU result official website. It will thereafter display marks and grades of all the semesters. All of these are nicely displayed on the mobile phone. Therefore, you will not have to scroll in right or left to view the results.

Moreover, it is the GTU result notification app. In other words, it will send you a push notification in your Android whenever the result is available. In this way, you can check out your result and see whether it is green line or you were not able to clear this exam.

If you are looking for a little bit more, this app also has timetable features. Using this, you can check out exam timetable. Unfortunetly, there is no option to see the GTU internal results directly. You will only be able to see GTU internal results with the main one.

Download Link: GTU Plus+

#2 GTU Notifier: Papers, Syllabus & GTU Result

Our next app is the GTU notifier app that you can go with is GTU Notifier. It is one of the best GTU result apps that you can go with. It will include all things such as syllabus, papers, etc. Most importantly, it is the GTU results notification app.
Although there are many features in this application, the main aim of the app is to provide the GTU result notification. You will be able to see the notification whenever there is a new result available. Moreover, there are several different features in the app. You can view the result whenever you want after you fill-up your profile. So, the features are pretty much the same as the previous one.
Just like the previous one, there is no option to view GTU internal results or what you call GTU Mid-term results.
Download Link: GTU notifier 

#3 GTU All in one

GTU All in one is a simple yet effective app that you can take a look at. It is a simple app because it is just the web view of all the popular websites of GTU. It is effective because the app has many features that are missing in the other apps. As you might have noticed, none of the apps gives GTU internal marks separately. Here, you can find GTU Mid-term marks Android app.
If you are thinking you will get a GTU internal marks push notifications or GTU mid marks notification, you are wrong. In fact, this app doesn’t send you notification even for the main GTU results. This is just the app where you can see the results.
The app manages to perform everything as it says in the name. You can view the results, access the portals, and most importantly view GTU Results. So, it is pretty great.
gtu internal resultsgtu internal resultsgtu internal resultsgtu internal results
Download Link: Gtu All in one

Final words on Best GTU Result apps

To conclude, this was all about the Best GTU Result apps. You can download any of the GTU apps for results. Please note that this is not the official GTU app. The original app is different. These are by the developers like you and me. The apps are made for the students to help them out. Of course, some of them contain ads by which they make money.

We would like to thank GTUhub for helping us in putting out this amazing article on Apps for GTU students. Also, if you think there is any other app that we should include over here, do tell us in the comment section. We will check out the app and add it to the list if it is suitable.

Here is something for you my dear GTU students > How to train your brain {Lumosity Review}

If you are stressed out from GTU exams, check out this game > Smash the Office Game Review | Stress buster game

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