FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review

FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review
FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review

We are not good in sarcasm, can we interest you in Genuine Friends Quiz and Trivia game review? Haha, one of the best shows ever is FRIENDS. The amazing TV series needs no more introduction but this game is surely something that you should take a look at.

It is a trivia game where they have collected amazing questions. You need to answer the questions and you can go forward in the game. There are more than 200 questions as of writing this FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review and might increase later.

We are here going to see the basic gameplay and later on, we will also talk about the graphics and FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia app answers hint.


The gameplay is very simple and interesting. You will be given a trivia question and there will be a space for the answer. There will be a couple of letters that you can choose from. These will help you to answer the question.

Once you answer the question, you will proceed to the next level. You will earn a couple of coins that you can use in getting the FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia app answers.

There are two types of hints that you can use. One will expose a letter and the other hint will remove some letters from the given options. Lastly, if you do not want to use any of the hints, you can directly solve the question using the coins.

You can earn coins by answering the questions, sharing the FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game game and you can also purchase the coins if you want.

Here are the screenshots of the game that you can take a look at.


By the way, you can also share this FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review 😉

FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game Review

Now, let’s jump into the review section. They have amazing FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia questions. The best part about the game is that some of the questions are just to make you laugh. If you like playing games and at the same time you also love watching FRIENDS TV series, you will surely love this game.

They have made the graphics look like Monica’s door. The background is purple with a yellow frame. You will get the questions inside the frame. It just adds extra feels in the game.

Being a FRIENDS fan myself, I just love this game. You will surely have a great laugh and also some of the questions are really hard which will make you scratch your head. That’s the loveliest part about the FRIENDS Quiz and Trivia Game.

Download Link: Friends Quiz and Trivia

Final words

To conclude, this was the complete Friends Quiz and Trivia game review. People were stressed and complaining as Friends Quiz and Trivia game iPhone is not available. But hey, that’s not Android Chiefs should worry about, right? 😉

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