Will dark mode protect Eyes or not?

Will dark mode protect Eyes?
Will dark mode protect Eyes?

People love dark mode. Whether it is on your desktop or on your android mobile phone. Now, the point is for the people who care too much for their eyes. See, when it comes to programmers and developers, they don’t think much about the eyes and set the dark/light mode which they prefer. Now, for the people who are concerned with their eyes, here is something for you. Here, we will see “Will dark mode protect Eyes” or it doesn’t make any difference.

Will dark mode protect Eyes?

Your eyes are a very sensitive organ. Obviously, it is easier for your eyes to see white text in dark. So, overall, if you take a look at first glance, we can say dark mode does save your eyes.

But wait, there is a catch. Dark mode will surely decrease the overall stress or strain your eyes get but only in the night time. When there is low light and you are checking and scrolling through your Instagram, your eyes don’t have to put more effort into capturing things. However, in the daylight, the same goes reverse. Sometimes, in the daylight, it could be really difficult for your eyes to see the light text in black. The reason is because of the surroundings.

Therefore, for the same reason, there is an option of turning on the light mode in the day time and automatically switching it to the dark mode when it is night time. The same option is available in most of the apps as well as on the mobile dark mode settings.

Did you notice, recently when we saw the post, Enable/disable Dark Mode on Instagram? There was a similar kind of option over there. You can turn on the light mode in the day time and when there is low light, it will be automatically switched to the dark mode. You can surely try those options and give some rest to your eyes.

Should you use dark mode?

For the people who are still wondering whether they should use dark mode or not, here is a simple answer for you. See, the dark mode surely protects your eyes in low light but when it is day time, it will take some efforts to see the small text.

Therefore, the ultimate solution for this situation is to go with the option where you can set the light mode in the day time and dark mode when it is night. Your mobile phone surely will have that option where you can easily set it on automatic mode.

If you are not seeing the option to turn on dark mode directly on your phone’s display settings. You can head over to the developer options. From the developer options, you can quickly turn on the dark mode.

Final words

So that’s it. Hope you clear got your answer on “Will dark mode protect my eyes or not”. If you are looking for more Android related stuff, check out our other posts.

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